The Role of Tourism in the Development of Employment in Istria

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Jasmina Gržinić
Aljoša Vitasović


In comparison to other Mediterranean countries, the Croatian tourist sector is of greatest importance to the economy in general, and to exports in particular. However, analyses have shown that in spite of its successes, Croatian tourism has not yet reached the level of activity it had before the war. Good results can be seen in a significant growth of income from tourism, a decrease in the unit‐based cost of labor, a growth of productivity and employment and a gross added value in the activity of hotels and restau‐ rants. The problems in Croatian tourism are mainly to be found in insufficient investments in hotels and restaurants, a marked seasonality, insufficient occupancy of capacities, negative business results, overpriced products and services connected to tourism in comparison with the competition (Italy, Austria, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland). This paper is trying to present the state of employment in tourism in Croatia and Istria in the after‐war period and research some concrete measures undertaken to educate the personnel.

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