The Role of Gender in Fostering Interest in Entrepreneurship in Indonesia

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Riyanto Efendi
Hari Mulyadi
Disman Disman
Imas Purnamasari
Prisilia Angel Tantri


Gender in entrepreneurship is an important issue. This research aims to determine the role of gender in the influence of entrepreneurial knowledge on entrepreneurial interest, which is mediated by entrepreneurial attitudes and subjective entrepreneurial norms. The respondents in this research were 156 active Strata-1 students, 115 female students, and 41 male students. The research method used is quantitative with a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The main limitation of this research is that it only examines the role of gender in the influence of entrepreneurial knowledge on entrepreneurial interest, which is mediated by entrepreneurial attitudes and subjective entrepreneurial norms. The research findings indicate that gender moderation is more pronounced among females, with females exhibiting a more positive and significant influence on hypotheses five through seven. The results of the hypotheses show that entrepreneurial knowledge does not significantly influence entrepreneurial attitudes. However, the second hypothesis demonstrates a positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and subjective norms of entrepreneurship. Additionally, the third hypothesis highlights the positive impact of entrepreneurial attitudes on entrepreneurial interest. Finally, the fourth hypothesis suggests that entrepreneurial subjective norms significantly influence interest in entrepreneurship.

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