Gender Aspects of Social Intelligence Management in the Context of Civic and Political Engagement

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Daniela Palaščáková
Ihor Liadskyi
Inna Senko


The scientific paper investigates the correlation between social intelligence of a person in accordance with gender identity and their political ambitions and social engagement. A significant positive relationship was found between the development of Social information processing, Social skills, Social awareness and a person’s desire and motivation to be actively involved in the life of their city, region or country. This result agrees well with the scientific assumption which became the basis of the research, that people with developed social intelligence should also have higher ambitions for a place in the political hierarchy. The research  showed that politically active women have almost the same level of social intelligence as men, which confirms their equal chances of building a career in the public sphere. It can be assumed that in the context of promoting gender equality in society, the development of women’s social intelligence will contribute to their more active involvement in social governance and achieving a balance in governing groups.

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